Your D.A.R.E. teacher was wrong

As always, a lack of presence on the internet probably means the person is sick or busy. In my case, I’ve been pretty damn busy these past few days.

I never caught her name.  Or anything else.

I was given a bit of advice my first year of teaching abroad from a person I later learned to loathe.  “For the first six weeks, no matter how broke or tired or not interested or whatever your excuse is, don’t say no to an invitation.”  This has turned out to be fantastic advice.  I was pretty damn tired this weekend and am, indeed, pretty damn broke (my bank card hasn’t worked in awhile.  Oops.)  but I was invited to a coworker’s family home in a tiny village tucked in a hill about an hour outside Beijing on Saturday and to another coworker’s husband’s coworkers’ party on Sunday.  Turns out, hanging out with police officers in a park with their families is a better alternative than wandering around aimlessly alone on a Sunday.  Alas and alack, my Chinese has not magically improved over the course of the week and I find myself pretty much unable to communicate with people, but I am approaching Level 36 in Body Language.  

After I put the first stick of mystery meat in my face,
I was told what it was.  Had to sneak a pic of my face
trying to swallow.
And, oh my GOD, I think this country had a meeting before I arrived on how to best fatten me up.  I have eaten so much food since I arrived.  Most of it has been tastey and wonderful.  Some of it has been cow-neck cartilage.  That’s a THING???

That’s what I look like stuffing my gob.  
OMG, purple potatoes are my favorite

I still need to do a decent write-up about my school, but the situation is a bit complicated.  I am going to try to hit that topic sometime next week.  In the mean time, ever wonder what $100 will buy you in China? If you price it out, a new razor, decent face wash, three things of imported cheese, digestives... I was happy enough.  And now that the problem is resolved I'll confess my ATM card hasn't been working properly and I was worried I was going to have to float all of May on the equivalent of $26.

I’m in my second week in China.  My washing machine was installed today so I am on my second load of laundry and feeling better about life.  I have a decent routine in the morning of waking up at 5:45, jogging for 20, showering, picking up Monica at 7:15, and eating breakfast at school before 8.  I also got my schedule today as well. I work at the primary school, ten minutes from my apartment, twice a week.  I work at West school on Mondays (which is a decent distance away. 35 min walk?) and at North school Wednesdays and Fridays.  (Those names are based off the one-outta-x-number of kanji I recognize.  I can’t pronounce the real names yet.)  Once again, too busy for a proper write-up. Need to get some more stuff finished for work tomorrow.

So, the guys and I did that thing where you
drink the beer in one go.  Only one guy and I
could do it.  (Dad, you proud or indifferent?)
Right away, the baby tried to copy Mah-ri.  
Coworker's hometown.
How many cops does it take to grill mutton?
Today's breakfast
Today's lunch
