Blood, sweat, and beer. (But not in that order)

So after drinking with my tuktuk man last night and promising to email him that night, I went drinking with some other people and didn't email. I suck. I thought I'd be an adult about this and just avoid the situation. Get a new driver today. Awkward turtle, that is just not how things are done here. My hotel freaked out on me saying, "your driver is Sarong, right? He's outside! We'll get him." Beans on toast. Damnit. So... He is pissy that I a)didn't email him last night (brought that up in passing quick and b) that I was going to cheat on him with another driver.  I try to mitigate the situation by suggesting I was trying to get the front desk to give me an idea on price 'cause I was running low on funds and was totally just gonna to message him after I knew I could afford the day. 
Tuktuk man is not impressed. 

An olive branch was extended when he pulled over randomly at a local's market outside the city and got us both rice waffles (which is now my fourth favorite food in the world) and water. He decided we should walk around the market so I could see a "real market," his words. 

On the road again. 

We got off the main road for a "shortcut" (cough) down a dirt road for about twenty miles when suddenly... POp, hiss. Flat tire. I volunteer to be left behind so he can drive the tuktuk with less weight to a service shop. 

We are here.

"I might never be seen again. Bye bye, Tuktuk man."

Being as I have wifi and am writing this up, you were wrong for hoping he left me there to die. Nope, 15 minutes later he comes back on his motorbike sans tuktuk cart and pick me up. Luckily we were only a couple of kilometers from a village. 

That's it. 

And I do mean village. I got to have that fantasicly obnoxious experience White People seem to love of being the novelty foreigner in a village in rural Cambodia where that shit, seemingly, doesn't happen all too often. 

The village from another angle. 

On the road again! So we made it to the temple I wanted to go to which was lovely and empty but swelled with Chinese tour buses just as we were chilling in the tuktuk drinking some water. 

I'm supposed to be over there. 

So... One of the security guards did that thing where he offered to be a tour guide. Usually I say no 'cause I don't wanna top him, but I shrugged and rolled with it. And he decided staying on the designated trail with its fences was for sissies. So... We climbed into the restricted area. It was disrespectful for future generations but fun for me. 


Right. So Tuktuk man and I chill in his tuktuk for a bit before starting the 2 hour drive back to Siem Reap. He decided I needed a snack and snagged us some corn. 

Yay, Tuktuk Man!

Which he decided we would only eat when he found a cool spot. 

Food tastes better when you are eating in the shade while other people are working. 

Then, back on the road. We are just rolling into Siem Reap when he pulls over to ask, "hey. Hey.  Want to try dog salad? I know a guy..."

Yep. That's blood. And my grandmother gave me shit for being a picky eater. 

"Be cool. Be cool. Don't gag. Just swallow. You can do this." That first bite is always the hardest. 

We discussed his professional future and his family for an hour or so before he took me back to my hotel offering, one more time, to grab a beer with me. I would, but I have potential drinking plans with another person I just met! 

Oh yeah! I won a free beer, too!!! 

I've had worse days. Great way to end the vacation. 
